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How To ABA

Meet The Mastermind Behind The Maloney Method

We’ve taught tons of clients with learning challenges how to read, spell and do math. How? We often use The Maloney Method curriculum –evidence-based programming that effectively and efficiently advances learners’ abilities.

What makes The Maloney Method programs stand out from many other reading, writing and math syllabuses is that they emphasize fluency. That means that students have to be accurate AND fast enough to move onto the next lesson. Fluency helps children maintain information over time!

We also have to point out that the curriculum changes the trajectory of learning. The Maloney Method accelerates learning, so kids not only catch up to their peers’ skills, they often surpass them.  It’s amazing!

We’re lucky enough to know the brilliant man behind the books and method. And we’d like to introduce you. Here’s a Q & A with Michael MaloneyRead More »Meet The Mastermind Behind The Maloney Method

6 Holiday Activities That Are Inexpensive

After the presents are unwrapped and family dinners are devoured, what’s on your calendar? Sleep! Sugar detox! Penny-pinching! And, most importantly, keeping your darling with autism occupied and engaged while school’s out. No need to stress about the what, where and how much – we’ve got that covered. Here are super-fun and almost-free holiday activities that promote learning.Read More »6 Holiday Activities That Are Inexpensive

Gifts That Promote Independence

ID-100264055Stuck on what to give your sweetie this holiday season? Consider wrapping up presents that improve your sweetie’s mood and skills, create memories and promote independence. When Kevin can learn to brush his teeth like a pro or walk home from school safely, his self-confidence will soar. Priceless! Here are our favourite prezzies that help your kiddo do things independently.Read More »Gifts That Promote Independence

How to Make Time For Yourself

youtime-largeYou’re a real-life superhero. Seriously! It takes unimaginable strength, love, energy and patience to parent a child with special needs. You give everything you have to give to your sweetie, as you should, because Sam is incredible and he deserves simply the best. And so do you! You work around the clock and, in order to keep going full-throttle, you need to recharge. Sounds luxurious and also impossible with your to-do list? Here are a few ways to make time for yourself.Read More »How to Make Time For Yourself

Building Rapport: The Importance Of Pairing

playDear Caregiver,

How exciting that your child is about to receive ABA therapy for the first time! If you’re still in the process of picking out a team, be sure to ask these questions to help you pinpoint a quality provider.

We know that it can be unnerving as you welcome unfamiliar professionals into your lives and home. How will your kiddo react to these strangers? What will the therapists demand of your sweetie? We’re writing to let you know that, when you have a top-notch team, the early days of therapy should be fun with zero pressure. You can and should expect your therapists to be solely focused on pairing with your precious at the beginning of starting ABA.Read More »Building Rapport: The Importance Of Pairing

Simon’s Story Part 2: How ABA Has Helped Him Soar

ABAoutdoors.largeRemember Simon?  The kiddo is going through a tremendous growth spurt! Along with getting taller, the 8-year-old with autism is making monumental social, behavioural and academic gains. He’s blossoming into a humorous, mild-mannered chatterbox who reads like a pro and loves to play games with his peers. One of his favourites: Zombie tag with the kids at summer camp. Thrilled with his progress, his parents asked us to update his story here:Read More »Simon’s Story Part 2: How ABA Has Helped Him Soar

4 Fun Activities To Make Summer Sensational

summeractivitiesGreetings from the seaside! As I write this blog, my daughter is playing in the waves with her dad. They just finished counting the birds in the sky and now they’re talking about what swims in the ocean. Unbeknownst to her, my four-year-old is strengthening and developing skills as she has fun splashing my husband. Not only is the beach a blast, it’s good for our babes’ brains! There are lots of things you can do this summer to foster learning while your precious squeals with delight. Here are our top picks and tips. Read More »4 Fun Activities To Make Summer Sensational

5 Summer Learning Programs To Do At Home

reading350Classrooms are closed for the season but that doesn’t mean learning should stop. Your little sponge is ready to soak up knowledge, know-how and skills all year round! So dust off those books and help keep Suzie’s learning alive this summer at home. Practicing math, reading or social skills for a short time every day will boost her abilities, and, still in habit of studying, make the transition back to school in September a little less stressful. Here are some of our favourite programs that you can easily do with your kiddo at the kitchen table between swimming and playing at the park.Read More »5 Summer Learning Programs To Do At Home

4 Autism-Friendly Vacation Destinations

autismfriendlyvacations.largeIf you’re stuck in a getaway rut, do something different this summer. How about a beach holiday? One that allows you to sip a cocktail by the ocean while your child on the spectrum participates in fun resort activities? Dreamy! And, fortunately, possible. More destinations are offering autism-friendly vacations, providing services, accommodations and meals that help your whole family feel relaxed and happy. Here are a few places to check out if you’d like to build sandcastles with your sweetie by the sea rather than at your local public beach.Read More »4 Autism-Friendly Vacation Destinations