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How To ABA

Thriving and Succeeding with Autism with Shane Finkelstein

Episode 093: Thriving with Autism – ABA Success Story!

Shane Finkelstein is one of Shana’s original ABA clients from 20 years ago and is here to talk about his experience with autism. Here, he shares his favorite aspects of ABA, especially weekend outings, which helped him form healthy relationships and thrive in social settings. We also talked to Shane about the skills he’s currently working on and his experience in the workforce.

Using Differential Reinforcement in ABA to Shape Behavior

We want to use the principles of ABA to teach our students to have more choices and to develop independence. Today we’re going to talk about using differential reinforcement in ABA to shape behavior so that you can incorporate client assent and choice within your sessions. 

Guiding Parents through Autism with Erin Porter

Episode 092: Guiding Parents through Autism with Erin Porter

Erin Porter is a family autism coach from Ontario, Canada who supports parents who have newly diagnosed children with autism. Erin shares her thoughts on the major gaps and challenges she sees. Some of the challenges start before the diagnosis, including how to talk to doctors. We also talk to Erin about how she assists parents through her Guided Autism Program.

How to Teach Pronouns and Possession

A lot of our kids with autism have a hard time learning to use pronouns and possessions appropriately. So we are showing you our pronouns and possession program to give you tips on how to teach pronouns and possession to your learners.

FCT – Functional Communication Training

Episode 091: What is Functional Communication Training in ABA?

All behavior is communication, and they’re two sides of the same coin. Functional communication, or FCT, is a way to decrease problem behavior through teaching effective communication skills. Here, we discuss where to start when teaching mands, how to collect data, and how to avoid developing chains of responses by using transfer trials.

Teaching Attributes to Students

Teaching Attributes

Attributes are great for teaching language expansion and vocabulary development. After learning nouns, students can start putting descriptive words in front of those nouns. For example, “I want the big chip” or “That plate is dirty.” 

Linggo: A Picture-Based AAC System for Children with Autism

Episode 090: Linggo: A Picture-Based AAC System for Children with Autism

We are rebroadcasting this episode where Ling and Jane join us to explain their AAC platform, Linggo. Communication is a complex concept and requires an interdisciplinary approach while keeping the needs of the child front and center. Linggo is much different than traditional AACs and the company also provides training for both parents and practitioners, which helps with adoption and adherence. For more information on our upcoming CEU event with Ling and Jane, head to our website.

tips for new BCBAs

Episode 089: BCBA Mentorship with Katerina Savino

BCBA Kat Savino is the Community Manager at How To ABA. Kat has a ton of supervision experience and here, she talks about what’s lacking in the field and suggestions for improvement. We also discuss the challenges faced by new BCBAs, how leaning on a community can decrease burnout and overwhelm, and Kat’s must-have programming resources.

Tips for Teaching Tacting

Tacting is labeling an object. This important skill is going to be in most of our learners’ programs. So what are the best procedures for teaching tacting?