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How To ABA

How to Teach Joint Attention to Children with Autism

As ABA professionals, we should be teaching joint attention to children with autism. It encourages social engagement; a way for the child to bring others into his or her world. So how can we teach this important skill?

advice for aba professionals

Episode 100: Advice for ABA Professionals

In this special 100th episode, we’ve rounded up some of the best professional advice our guests have ever received. Whether you’re brand new to the field or a seasoned pro, this episode is packed with wisdom to help you along your professional journey.

Benefits of Incidental Teaching

Episode 099: Benefits of Incidental Teaching in ABA

Incidental teaching is a strategy that uses ABA principles to provide structured learning opportunities in the natural environment. Here, we discuss some common misconceptions around incidental teaching and how to use the concept appropriately. We also discuss the differences between incidental teaching and natural environmental teaching and provide tips on how to contrive learning opportunities.

Fluency-Based Instruction

Episode 098: Fluency-Based Instruction in ABA

Precision teaching, or fluency-based instruction, is a system of teaching in ABA that utilizes exact measurements and data to guide instruction and curricula choices. Here, we discuss what it looks like when put into practice and how to define fluency. We discuss all the ways to use fluency, including social skills like commenting. We also talk about how to make precision teaching less complicated and more fun.

Intermediate Requesting

Episode 096: How to Teach Intermediate Requesting in ABA

When a student moves into a more intermediate requesting phase, we often focus on pre-academic skills and forget to expand their manding repertoire. Here, we dive into the kinds of skills we should be teaching at the intermediate level for requesting. We discuss how to determine a student’s needs, how to teach different requests, and more.

Using ABA in a Preschool Classroom

Teaching social skills and learning from the natural environment are two main goals in ABA. so how can we use ABA in a preschool classroom to target these goals?

The Benefits of Using ABA Throughout Development

One of the greatest things about applied behavioral analysis (ABA) is that we can use ABA throughout development. We can apply ABA principles to any developmental stage to help people with developmental disabilities reach their fullest potential. 

Thriving and Succeeding with Autism with Shane Finkelstein

Episode 093: Thriving with Autism – ABA Success Story!

Shane Finkelstein is one of Shana’s original ABA clients from 20 years ago and is here to talk about his experience with autism. Here, he shares his favorite aspects of ABA, especially weekend outings, which helped him form healthy relationships and thrive in social settings. We also talked to Shane about the skills he’s currently working on and his experience in the workforce.

Using Differential Reinforcement in ABA to Shape Behavior

We want to use the principles of ABA to teach our students to have more choices and to develop independence. Today we’re going to talk about using differential reinforcement in ABA to shape behavior so that you can incorporate client assent and choice within your sessions. 

Guiding Parents through Autism with Erin Porter

Episode 092: Guiding Parents through Autism with Erin Porter

Erin Porter is a family autism coach from Ontario, Canada who supports parents who have newly diagnosed children with autism. Erin shares her thoughts on the major gaps and challenges she sees. Some of the challenges start before the diagnosis, including how to talk to doctors. We also talk to Erin about how she assists parents through her Guided Autism Program.