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Episode 079: From Parent to BCBA with Flor De Amelia (Lizette) Hoffman

Flor De Amelia (Lizette) Hoffman is a mom of two and a BCBA and we met at ABAI. She was inspired to get into the field because of her daughter who suffers from seizures and was diagnosed with autism at 18 months. We discuss how depression, anger, and denial affect parents on this journey, what’s next on Lizette’s career journey, and advice for practitioners working with parents and families.

How to Develop a Bedtime Routine

What do you do before you go to bed? I’m sure you have a routine and you do the same things almost every night. Today’s topic is all about how to develop a bedtime routine for kids.

Parent Stressors and Self-Reg with Dr. Laura Cesaroni

Episode 043: Parent Stressors and Self-Reg with Dr. Laura Cesaroni

Dr. Laura Cesaroni is the Clinical Director at FERN in Toronto. She focuses on self-regulation in children, parents, and educators. We can’t always control the stressors that we’re faced with, but we can control how we manage them. Stress greatly affects behaviors, so it’s important to factor them in when coming up with treatment solutions for clients.

Episode 009: A Parent’s Perspective with Vidya Banerjee

Parents are a child’s greatest advocate. Vidya Banerjee’s story of raising an autistic son and then becoming a practitioner herself is one we can all learn from. Her insight into what it’s like to be on the parenting side of things is super-valuable and inspiring.

How To Get Your Child To Listen To You

getyourchildtolisten.1Hi, Broken Record: Bet you’re hoarse, or maybe blue in the face, from telling your kiddo to do things over and over and over again. SHE DOESN’T LISTEN and it’s driving you crazy. You’ve yelled, you’ve begged, you’ve bargained, you’ve read books, but your sweetie still has incredibly selective hearing. Stop pulling your hair out and follow – be consistent! – these easy-to-implement solutions that will get your child to listen to you. Prepare to regain your voice and sanity!Read More »How To Get Your Child To Listen To You

4 Fun Activities To Make Summer Sensational

summeractivitiesGreetings from the seaside! As I write this blog, my daughter is playing in the waves with her dad. They just finished counting the birds in the sky and now they’re talking about what swims in the ocean. Unbeknownst to her, my four-year-old is strengthening and developing skills as she has fun splashing my husband. Not only is the beach a blast, it’s good for our babes’ brains! There are lots of things you can do this summer to foster learning while your precious squeals with delight. Here are our top picks and tips. Read More »4 Fun Activities To Make Summer Sensational

5 Summer Learning Programs To Do At Home

reading350Classrooms are closed for the season but that doesn’t mean learning should stop. Your little sponge is ready to soak up knowledge, know-how and skills all year round! So dust off those books and help keep Suzie’s learning alive this summer at home. Practicing math, reading or social skills for a short time every day will boost her abilities, and, still in habit of studying, make the transition back to school in September a little less stressful. Here are some of our favourite programs that you can easily do with your kiddo at the kitchen table between swimming and playing at the park.Read More »5 Summer Learning Programs To Do At Home