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Nurturing the Joy of Play: A Step-by-Step Guide for BCBAs to Teach Play

play skills

Play is the language of childhood. Through it, children learn to express themselves, connect with others, and explore their own creativity.

Play is a fundamental aspect of development that fosters confidence, social skills, creativity, and imagination. Yet, what do we do when a child finds play challenging?

Whether it’s a lack of interest in toys deemed age-appropriate, difficulty engaging with others during play, or struggles with advancing beyond functional play skills, each scenario presents a unique hurdle.

For BCBAs and parents alike, recognizing and addressing these challenges can open new pathways for growth and joy in a child’s life. Let’s talk about some effective strategies to foster a deeper engagement with play.

Understanding Play Skills

Play is more than just fun and games; it’s a vital component of childhood development. Play is categorized into solitary (playing alone), parallel (playing alongside others without interaction), and cooperative (playing with others) play.

As children grow, they progress through developmental stages of play, each stage building upon the last. This progression is crucial for their social, cognitive, and motor development, and strengthening their ability to interact with the world around them.

Assessing Play Skills

The process of understanding a child’s play skills is a delicate blend of observation and insight. By closely observing children as they engage in play, BCBAs can gain an understanding of their current abilities, pinpointing both their strengths and areas that could benefit from further development.

This assessment isn’t a solitary task; it involves a partnership with parents and caregivers who provide insights into the child’s preferred activities, how they interact with toys and peers, and any unique behaviors that emerge during play.

ABA Techniques for Teaching Play Skills

Applied Behavior Analysis offers a rich set of strategies to foster play skills – each designed to meet children where they are and guide them toward more complex and fulfilling play experiences.

Techniques such as Discrete Trial Training (DTT), Pivotal Response Training (PRT), and Natural Environment Teaching (NET) serve as bridges that connect children to new play possibilities. Through these approaches, desired play behaviors are introduced and nurtured in a systematic way. This ensures that learning is both enjoyable and aligned with the child’s natural inclinations and interests.

The 5-Step Guide For Teaching Play Skills in ABA

Step 1: Build Comfort with Adult Presence

Sometimes, children engage with toys but retreat when adults approach, perhaps fearing the interruption of their play. In these moments, our goal is to associate adults with positivity and fun.

Encourage parents and caregivers to enter the child’s play space without trying to control the play or place demands. For instance, if a child like Jacob finds joy in watching wheels spin, join in with your own car and mirror his actions. This non-intrusive participation helps the child understand that adults can be co-adventurers in the realm of play, rather than directors of it.

Tip: Adults should bring their own toys to avoid taking away from the child’s playthings.

Step 2: Gently Shape the Play Experience

Once the child is comfortable with an adult’s presence, gradually introduce small changes to the play without overtaking it completely. If Jacob likes playing with cars, you might gently push a car alongside him for a short period, then step back and praise his tolerance and sharing.

Introduce variety in gentle ways – such as suggesting a different color car or taking turns in activities he enjoys.

Tip: Proceed with patience and readiness to reward, recognizing the effort it takes for some children to adjust.

Step 3: Expand Play Sequences

After achieving comfort with shared activities, extend the play sequences.

If playing with cars has become a shared activity, consider adding elements like a car wash, refueling, or playful collisions. This not only changes the play but also encourages longer engagement periods with adults.

Tip: The key here is to make every interaction exciting and fun!

Step 4: Welcome Peers into Play

When a child is comfortable playing with an adult, introduce the concept of peer play, starting with parallel play, where the child plays alongside peers without direct interaction.

This stage remains until around age four, after which more interactive forms of play can be encouraged.

Tip: Shared interests, like a mutual love of trains, can serve as a natural bridge to bringing children together in parallel play.

Step 5: Foster Interactive Play Among Peers

For children ready to move beyond parallel play, guide them toward interactive play. This could involve collaborative activities like building a block tower together and gradually incorporating conversational skills within the context of play.

Tip: To spark dialogue and interaction, begin by modeling simple conversation starters or sound effects related to the play activities.

Implementing ABA strategies to enhance play skills is a gradual process that requires patience, observation, and creativity. By following these steps and adapting them to the child’s unique needs and responses, parents and ABA educators can create a supportive environment that promotes significant growth in play skills.

Measure Progress & Adjust Strategies

Tracking progress in play skills is essential for evaluating the effectiveness of ABA interventions. Various tools and methods can be used for this purpose, allowing for adjustments to be made based on feedback and observed progress.

Every child deserves the joy and developmental benefits that come from play. By approaching play challenges with empathy, patience, and creativity, BCBAs and parents can transform playtime into a source of learning and connection. Remember, the goal is not just to play but to unlock opportunities for growth that play offers.


3 thoughts on “Nurturing the Joy of Play: A Step-by-Step Guide for BCBAs to Teach Play”

  1. Pingback: 7 Resolutions You’ll Want To Stick To - How to ABA

  2. Pingback: Plan a Play Date - How to ABA

  3. This blog on “Teaching Play Skills” is an absolute gem for educators and parents alike! The article offers a wealth of valuable information and practical strategies to help children develop essential play skills. I’m impressed by the author’s expertise and passion for promoting inclusive play that caters to the unique needs of each child. The step-by-step approach and real-life examples make it easy to implement these techniques in various settings. Thank you for empowering us with these valuable tools to enrich the lives of children through meaningful play. This blog is a true asset for anyone working with kids, and I’ll be sure to share it with my fellow educators and parents in my network. Keep up the fantastic work!

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