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data collection

Episode 143: Types of ABA Data Sheets

As ABA practitioners, we use a lot of data sheets. It can be tough to know which ones to use in specific situations. In this episode, we break down different types of ABA data sheets and when to use them. Data is only as helpful as how we use it, so it’s important to choose a data sheet that will make taking data simple for you.

measurement in ABA

Episode 117: Why is Measurement in ABA Important?

ABA is all about data. Here, we dive into why measurement is so important and how to make sure we’re taking and reporting accurate data. We cover how to collect baseline data and how data collection helps us analyze problem behaviors. We also discuss how to decrease data collection overwhelm, how to choose appropriate collection methods, and how to analyze and understand data.

how to choose the right data collection method

How to Choose the Right Data Collection Method

Data collection is a big part of what we do. We are bound to make data-driven decisions and update or revise programs based on what the data tell us. However, it is possible to be so consumed with data that it interferes with learning. How well can a person engage and think on their feet when they’re preoccupied with data collection?

FCT – Functional Communication Training

Episode 091: What is Functional Communication Training in ABA?

All behavior is communication, and they’re two sides of the same coin. Functional communication, or FCT, is a way to decrease problem behavior through teaching effective communication skills. Here, we discuss where to start when teaching mands, how to collect data, and how to avoid developing chains of responses by using transfer trials.

How to Increase Mean Length of Utterance (MLU)

Did you know that when we talk about increasing a student’s sentence length, this is sometimes referred to as the MLU, or the mean length of utterance? We’re giving you some easy tips on how to increase mean length of utterance, or sentence length. 

How to Teach Children to Wait

All kids have trouble waiting for things that they want. They even have trouble waiting in line at the grocery store. Waiting is a huge skill. So once our learners have mastered some early instructions, like come here or sit down, then we typically start working on the skill of responding to waiting. Today’s topic is all about how to teach children to wait.