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Episode 027: Parenting with ABA with Leanne Page

Leanne Page is a BCBA and the founder of Parenting with ABA, an organization that provides parents with ways to utilize ABA in their everyday lives with their children. She started her career in special education and became inspired to pursue ABA after working alongside a behavioral analyst in her classroom. Leanne moved overseas for a while and then became a full-time stay-at-home mom after returning to Texas. After joining some mommy groups, she was shocked at how many parents were using punishment techniques and jumped at the opportunity to start sharing ABA techniques as an alternative. Leanne also started blogging (which is where we first discovered her!), wrote her first book, and her career took off from there.

Even parents of children without an autism diagnosis can benefit from leveraging ABA principles in their homes. Things like token economies and sticker charts can work wonders, especially in transition periods like in between school and summer break. Renaming techniques into parent and kid-friendly terminology also help make things fun instead of too by-the-book. Leanne hopes that, through her training programs, she can save people from some of the mistakes she’s made and help parents tackle behavioral issues without punishment.

One of the biggest challenges with training parents is the follow-through. Many parents don’t do the necessary homework after sessions needed for reinforcement to take hold. To minimize some of these barriers, it helps to identify them ahead of time, solving the problems before they start. According to what Leanne has seen, the two biggest barriers are effort and time. Solving these issues very much depends on your relationship with the parents and helping them schedule in the time they need to make techniques stick sets them up for success.

You’ll Learn:

  • Why ABA is effective in parenting outside of special needs and diagnoses.
  • Real-life examples of ABA techniques in daily life with kids.
  • Biggest barriers to parental treatment adherence.

Mentioned In This Episode:
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