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Episode #004: Working with a Multidisciplinary Team with Katerina Savino

Today, we are talking with guest, Katerina “Kat” Savino. As a BCBA working in a multidisciplinary clinic and as a mentor to future BCBA’s with Simmons University, Kat has a lot of advice and insight to share. Her background started very similar to Shira’s, moving into ABA from Special Education, she notes how impactful that background has been on her career as a BCBA.

As a former Special Education teacher, Kat has worked with multiple disciplines since early on in her career, giving her the opportunity to see the benefits and struggles of this approach. She shares with us what seem to be the biggest hurdles when working with a multidisciplinary team, including finding that other specialties may feel more dominant and also apprehensiveness to new ideas.

However, we talk about how new ideas can be one of the best parts of working in a team of multiple disciplines. Kat emphasizes that regardless of your work setting, clinic or private, creating a network of various services is so important, whether it to be to learn from or reach out to for cases and situations outside your professional scope.

We also outline and advise you on how to deal with different approaches and different opinions when creating a plan for your clients with your team. Kat tells us how she maintains communication and makes compromises through the process.

Throughout the episode, we are focusing on being open and being humble. These attitudes are key when taking on a multidisciplinary approach. Kat also gives us her best advice, an important way of thinking she has picked up along her career journey, be a lifelong learner.

As a BCBA working on a multidisciplinary team, it’s important to be confident and know your stuff, but also learn from others. We remind you that in every aspect of this field, whether it be with your team or with a specific client, it is about what you are doing now, not what you were doing before.

You’ll Learn:

  • Multidisciplinary Team.
  • Networking to create a team beyond your professional scope.
  • Plans to maintain communication with your team.
  • How to deal with different approaches and opinions.

Mentioned In This Episode:

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