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ABA Techniques

Read more about common techniques and practices used in ABA.

Why is the Premack Principle Important?

The Premack Principle is one of the first things that I look for in a student. So we’re going to talk about why it’s so important. For example, if money is reinforcing, we are more likely to do our jobs if we get paid. It’s the same for the kids that we work with. We refer to this as the first/then contingency, which is another term for Premack Principle.

How to Use ABA Video Modeling

How do you use ABA video modeling with your learners? Today, we’re talking about how video modeling can expand play sequences.

How to Collect Baseline Data

We know that baseline data is important to see a learner's progress. In this blog, we're talking about how to collect baseline data during skill acquisition programs. We go into a lot of ABA centers and ABA home programs. Most people collect baseline data - which is great!  However, we've been into some programs thatRead More »How to Collect Baseline Data