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Episode 157: Creating Meaningful Goals in ABA

Our main goal when working with our learners is that they make progress and become as happy and independent as possible. Here, we discuss how to choose meaningful goals to help them succeed. The BACB code of ethics talks about assessments and says that, as professionals, we must implement them before we design any behavior change intervention (2.13). However, while many assessments are amazing tools, they shouldn’t take the place of curriculum. It’s important to focus on the big picture and choose the appropriate assessment for the learner.

We also discuss the importance of building relationships with students and families to get a feel for the skills a learner needs in the long run. We share how to incorporate a learner’s preferences, the importance of choosing goals in preschool, and teaching across operants.

Join us on Thursday, July 11th at 12 pm ET for our CEU event on Programming for Progress: How to Choose Meaningful Goals. Click the link below to save your seat.

What’s Inside:

  • How to choose meaningful goals for our learners
  • How to incorporate a learner and family’s preferences
  • The importance of teaching across operants

Mentioned In This Episode:
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