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Episode 061: 7 Steps to Instructional Control with Robert Schramm

Robert Schramm is a behavioral analyst and education and parenting specialist who’s really doing some necessary and valuable things for the field of ABA. Robert was an educator first and started out in physical education in California. He then moved into special education and became an occlusion specialist and was tasked with helping disabled children in regular classrooms. Robert eventually found his way to behavioral analysis in pursuit of finding a method of instructional motivation. He and his wife then moved to Germany for children with ASD. They also helped trained parents in behavioral analysis so they could use the techniques at home. Through that process, he discovered how to translate the principles to language and methods that parents can understand. This eventually led him to create the 7 Steps of Instructional Control.

Robert shares how he’s been able to train parents to become better than some of the practitioners he’s worked with in the states. Parent training models are becoming more prevalent, as it’s a more comprehensive approach to making a lasting impact. When everyone who spends time with a child knows how to work with them, they make a lot more progress. Robert also applies his principles to general parenting, as they aren’t dependent on any specific diagnosis. The principles help people develop better relationships throughout the entire household. Currently, Robert is working on a program called “Just 7 Steps” to help families become better parents through behavioral analysis.

What’s Inside:

  • How and why Robert created the 7 Steps of Instructional Control.
  • Why parent training is so important.
  • How the 7 Steps helps parents with all types of children.

Mentioned In This Episode:
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